The Nonino family has devoted itself to the Art of Distillation since 1897. 1st December 1973 Benito and Giannola Nonino revolutionize the method of producing and introducing Grappa in Italy and throughout the world. They create the single varietal Grappa, Monovitigno® Nonino, distilling the pomace of Picolit grapes separately.
In 1975 they establish the Nonino Risit d'Aur – Gold vine shoot - Prize with the aim of “stimulating, awarding and having officially recognized the ancient autochthonous vine varieties of Friuli”. 27th November 1984 the Noninos mark a new turning point; they distil the whole grape and create the Grape Distillate: ÙE®. The Ministerial authorization to produce Grape Distillates (D.M. 20.10.84) is granted following a specific request by the Noninos. 1984-2024: 40 Years ÙE® Nonino Grape Distillate.
The Nonino Distilleries consist of Five Artisanal Distilleries, each with 12 exclusive copper batch steam stills for the production of Nonino Grappa and Distillates, distilled 100% with artisanal method, respecting the tradition and the rhythms of Craftsmanship. Grappa and ÙE®, Aged and Riserva, have always followed natural aging in barriques and small casks under seal and permanent surveillance by the Customs and Monopoly Agency in the 7 Grappa Aging Warehouses of the Nonino Distilleries and are bottled without color additives.
Nonino The Grappa Evolution – Italian Cocktail Spirit #BeBraveMixGrappa September 19, 2007 in Percoto there is the first Nonino Grappa Cocktail Competition for the best cocktail with Grappa, organized by the UK Bartenders Guild and AIBES (association of Italian barmen). September 2017 Grappa Nonino supports P(our) non-profit bartender organization with thirst for knowledge created by Alex Kratena, Simone Caporale, Monica Berg, Xavier Padovani, Jim Meehan, Joerg Meyer and Ryan Chetiyawardana. January 2020 Nonino is elected ‘Best Distillery in the World’ Spirit Brand/Distiller of the Year 2019 by Wine Enthusiast Wine Star Awards.