Camera di Commercio di Bergamo
Head of local economy promotion and development service
The Chamber of Commerce is an autonomous body under public law with its own statute. It has the task of representing the general interests of businesses in the province, with a particular focus on the small and medium-sized enterprise system and promoting the economic development of the territory.
The chamber-which is part of the regional and national chamber system-works in synergy with institutions and trade associations in the area; interacts with the numerous Italian chambers of commerce abroad and is a privileged gateway to new markets for companies. The Chamber of Commerce carries out the administrative activities provided for by law (keeping the register of companies and registers for the performance of certain economic activities), promotes study activities and data analysis on the local economy, and implements interventions aimed at favoring the internationalization of companies, innovation and technology transfer, infrastructure development, environmental protection in the exercise of business activities, and access to credit. The 2016 reform added new strategic functions in the areas of digitalization, orientation towards work and professions, and the enhancement of tourism and cultural heritage.